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Detalles del producto

Free Open Source Document Management System (mirror, no pull request or issues)

pypi python license Docker pulls Docker Stars Commits Support Store Donation

Mayan EDMS is a document management system. Its main purpose is to store, introspect, and categorize files, with a strong emphasis on preserving the contextual and business information of documents. It can also OCR, preview, label, sign, send, and receive thoses files. Other features of interest are its workflow system, role based access control, and REST API.


The final version of the book "Exploring Mayan EDMS" available now!

The link is


The easiest way to use Mayan EDMS is by using the official Docker image. Make sure Docker is properly installed and working before attempting to install Mayan EDMS.

For the complete set of installation instructions visit the Mayan EDMS documentation at:

Hardware requirements

  • 2 Gigabytes of RAM (1 Gigabyte if OCR is turned off).
  • Multiple core CPU (64 bit, faster than 1 GHz recommended).

Important links


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